SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 150

This entry is part 150 of 178 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Kagome bowed her head, squeezing her mother’s hand tight. Tears dripped from her face to the table. The mixture of pain and relief she felt overwhelmed her. Now someone else apart from herself knew the whole story. Even Sesshoumaru hadn’t known the full extent of her marital difficulties with Inuyasha. She’d never confessed that to another living soul. But now she had. 

Suddenly, another fresh pang of guilt hit her: in unburdening herself of all this, had she burdened her mother? Kagome raised her eyes to her mother’s tearstained face. But what she saw there in Mrs. Higurashi’s expression wasn’t wretchedness but only infinite love and compassion. And not just for her only daughter, Kagome knew.

She looked at her mother, in awe of her strength of heart and the capacity of her understanding.

“I’m sorry, too,” she said thickly. “To everyone. For everything. I’ve never been so sorry for anything in my life.” Kagome’s eyes fell to the baby sleeping in her mother’s arms. “But I don’t regret it, either. I can’t.”

Her mother nodded, rocking Shin. “Children are blessings, no matter how we receive them.”

This one in particular, Kagome thought, gazing at the living miracle that was her son. This healthy, happy child born of a demon and a priestess—who’d have ever imagined such a thing could be? Even to her it still sometimes seemed hard to believe.

“It’s strange,” Kagome murmured, lowering her eyes to the table again, tracing the faded whorls in the grain, “but I didn’t think that way before. All I thought was, I need a baby. I went to Sesshoumaru because I thought that’s what I needed. Now, I’m not so sure.”

Her mother was quiet for a while. Kagome felt her warm, searching gaze resting upon her.

“Sesshoumaru,” Mrs. Higurashi said thoughtfully, as though wondering aloud, “he’s the one whose little girl you stole medicine to save, not long after you’d married Inuyasha.”

Though her mother hadn’t phrased it as a question, Kagome nodded anyway. When she looked up again, Mrs. Higurashi smiled gently at her, her expression tinged with a sort of wistful sadness Kagome couldn’t place. 

Looking down at Shin, Mrs. Higurashi said softly, “Love takes us by surprise, doesn’t it?”

Kagome smiled softly back. “I guess so.”

Beyond them, through the kitchen windows, the sun was beginning to rise. Its rays threw burnished light across them as they sat there in peace together, three generations of the same family under one roof. That was another blessing, too, Kagome thought.

The three generations became four as her grandfather came waddling into the kitchen yawning and scratching at his belly, with Souta tromping downstairs at his heels. Both old man and young man stood rooted in shock in the kitchen doorway, as Shin woke and phased into his fanged, clawed, dog-eared hanyou form before their staring eyes.

“Whoa!” Souta said, grinning. “My baby nephew’s a badass.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 12/19/24

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22 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 150

  1. Ahh this is so sweet! What an amazing mom she has. So glad she gets to be with her family and sort herself out. I think Kagome has a good heart even though she made a mess of stuff. She will figure this out I know it.

  2. This was so wholesome and heart is so warm and full! I love Kagome & her mom and their interactions. And I genuinely feel so much kinship with Kagome. Sure, she’s done some shitty things. But we all have. She’s human! I feel like the common thread is love. I’m excited for the next! Thanks so much Char

    1. Aww thank you so much, Becky! “And I genuinely feel so much kinship with Kagome. Sure, she’s done some shitty things. But we all have. She’s human! I feel like the common thread is love.” – ahh this is so well said! We’re all human at the end of the day, just trying to do the best that we can. Our love redeems us <3

  3. As much as I’m in such a hurry to see her interacting with Sesshoumaru again, I’m loving the family dynamic and Kagome working through some stuff. I’m also anxious for (and also dreading) her inevitable return where Inuyasha, and maybe Sango, wait for her. Keep posting, girl! We’re eating all of this up 😀

    1. Yay thank you so much, Tsuyoku! So glad you’re enjoying the change of pace with these Higurashi family scenes <3 Appreciate the support so much & hope you enjoy the next chapter!!

  4. I’m so glad kagome’s mom is understanding and that Kagome Is finally figuring out her emotions

  5. Maaaan I can’t put into words how much I’m loving this Higurashi family reunion. Just what Kagome (and quite frankly ME needed) 🫶🏻🫶🏻

    1. Yay thanks, bella! So glad you’re enjoying these Higurashi family moments! It’s a refreshing change of pace <3

  6. Omg, I have finally caught up! Life has been lifing and I’m so glad this story is still going on. Char congrats on your nuptials!!! So happy for you! Kagome’s mom is going to gather her daughter at some point I just know it . I’m so glad she’s being understanding and showing compassion. She’s the only character in this story who hasn’t let trauma fuck her up mentally. Her strength is unmatched. Sesshoumaru doesn’t hold a candle lol

    1. Blackberry!! So great to hear from you, friend! Thank you so much for the congrats and well wishes! <3 Hope you are doing great yourself!!

      Kagome's mom is the MVP for sure! 🙂 Thanks again for sharing & hope you enjoy the rest of the story! <3

  7. “Sesshomaru”, dijo la señora Higurashi pensativamente, como preguntándose en voz alta, “él es a quien le robaste la medicina para salvar a su pequeña, no mucho después de casarte con Inuyasha”.

    Guau, una luz… Es tan probable que Kagome se haya sentido atraída por Sesshoumaru desde antes e inconsciente, se nega a pensar eso y aceptarlo.

    Es probable que eso pensó su madre que su hija inconscientemente estaba enamorado o se sentía atraída por el desde un inicio y simplemente bloqueo eso e intento seguir con su vida pero no resultó.

    Al final siempre la venció la atracción física y termino en ese lío.

    ! Que sencillo hubiera sido aceptarlo de un inicio!

    1. La trágica ironía 😥

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the scene, Claribel! Hope you enjoy where the story goes from here <3

  8. Kagome finally reached her safe harbor 😭💕 This is so lovelyyy.

    I heartily believe that Shin is such a perfect baby because SessxKag have perfect compatibility. He’s the result of the “~Soulmate Effect~” 🌝

  9. Baby Shin is the greatest blessing 🥹 His presence alone brightened up the scenes despite how terrible and bleak they seemed for the main characters. Everything is new to his sparkling big eyes and he just enjoys the world.

    All his family loves him🩷 He melts the hearts of everyone he meets. Wish grandpa Touga could see him too

    1. “Wish grandpa Touga could see him too” – I know!! That would be the best! 🙂

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the scene, oskorreia! <3

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