SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 141

This entry is part 141 of 183 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

The dark skies thundered. The blasted earth shook. Youki smoldered and seethed, a black, burning haze.

“In due time,” Sesshoumaru said through gritted fangs, “I’d have secured a proper match for Rin—a mate, not a ‘husband.’ She might have lived on, my immortal daughter forever after. But now, thanks to your meddling, the chance has been lost. Now, she will surely die.”

Kagome recoiled at this terrible accusation, this death-sentence Sesshoumaru had hurled at her feet. The only silver lining was that at least he seemed to appreciate that to tear Rin from Kohaku now would be like ripping her still-beating heart from her chest. But for Sesshoumaru it was a grudging concession. The bitter fury of it was graven into the lines of his ageless face. Kagome knew that he was railing against the gods as much as her. 

“She’s human, Sesshoumaru,” Kagome shot back, not without a pang of sympathy for him. “For us, death is just a part of life.”

“For some,” he said, seizing her eye significantly, “but not for all. Twice, I have saved Rin from death. You yourself brought her back from the brink of it with your modern medicine. She is no ordinary human. Why then should she be condemned to suffer a mortal’s fate?”

Kagome glared back at him, undeterred. “Just because Rin-chan hasn’t lived a normal human life doesn’t mean that that’s not what she wants. When she was a little girl, you always told her she was free to do as she pleased. Free to stay by your side, and free to go. When did that change?”

Sesshoumaru turned his stony face away. Kagome barreled on.

“After the battle for the Shikon no Tama, Rin-chan chose to stay in Edo village. She chose to live with humans and observe their ways. It seemed like you were fine with all that, but when she chose to fall in love with Kohaku-kun, that’s when you showed your true colors: you were fine with Rin-chan making her own decisions, so long as they ultimately aligned with yours. The first time she stepped out of line with what you wanted for her, you brought the hammer down. You stepped in and tried to drive her and Kohaku-kun apart, didn’t you? You accuse me of meddling, Sesshoumaru, but the truth is, the one who’s interfering here is you.”

Sesshoumaru gave her a long, penetrating look. “Is that how you see me, Kagome? As a meddler in your affairs.”

“No,” she said, surprised at this turnabout, “that’s not what I meant.”

“But you do begrudge me.” He took a step toward her. “There is resentment in your heart for me.”

“No,” Kagome said again, but to her astonishment she felt that this was not entirely true. 

Sesshoumaru seemed to sense this, too. “You resent that, because of me and my appeal, you could not remain in your own time. What choice you might have had in living in your era or mine, you feel that I took this choice from you. Is it because of this anger at me that you influenced Rin?”

Kagome drew back as if struck. “You think that I would use Rin-chan to lash out at you like that?”

“It is either that,” Sesshoumaru said with a blaze of anguish, “or think that you have no regard for me at all.”

“How could you think that?” Kagome said, blazing back at him. “Either one—that I would use Rin-chan to get back at you or that I don’t care for you? You are the father of my son, for Kami’s sake. And I knew full well what I was in for when I stole that medicine for Rin-chan—it was my choice. A sacrifice I elected to make. So don’t diminish it by accusing me of scapegoating you for what I decided to do of my own volition!”

“And,” Sesshoumaru said, eyeing her severely, “have you confessed the truth to Inuyasha, as you’d resolved to do?”

Kagome stared at him, her mouth slightly ajar. “I was—before you arrived, I was just about to—”

“Of course,” Sesshoumaru scoffed as he turned from her. “Of course, once again, you have said nothing to him.”

“Sesshoumaru,” she said, stepping toward him. “Please, you have to understand—”

“Oh, I understand,” he said, with an icy laugh that cut right through the heart of her. “I understand all too well. It is good you have said nothing to him. Because you have duped and used me for the last, woman. No more.”

“W-what do you mean?” Kagome’s voice rose in panic as she hurried toward him, until a sudden gale of youki drove her back. “Sesshoumaru, what are you saying?” Arms crossed, she pressed toward him through the burning tempest. “What do you mean ‘no more’?”

She saw his searing golden eyes fall to Shin. An unspoken exchange seemed to occur between them. Shin bristled, digging his black claws into the earth so that it cracked. Red youki crackled over his shaggy bulk. Sesshoumaru’s eyes closed. Youki swirled around him, condensing. Then the black haze cleared—and Sesshoumaru was gone.

Kagome sank to her knees in the dead grass, as though all the strength had gone out of her. A heavy, pelting rain began to fall. Shin nudged his velvety brow into her temple, whining low in his throat. As Kagome began to cry, his forked tongue slicked against her cheek, singing the whole left side of her face. Transforming into his human self, he crawled to her lap, sodden and whimpering. Kagome picked him up and cradled him to her chest as they sank weeping together into the melting hillside.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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51 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 141

  1. My eyes are stinging. This is soooooo sad </3
    Good job giving up on her when she's finally come around Sesshomaru! (Not that I can blame him but STILL).
    Also okay so in this story, a mating bond ties their life forces together. Gotcha. Okay I get Sesshomaru's ire completely now. I'd be pissed too if the prospect of having my daughter alongside me for eternity was snatched away.

    AHKJFSKGDKSG for all the dark undertones, this story is pretty damn romantic. I love it sm. Ty for the update <3

    1. “AHKJFSKGDKSG for all the dark undertones, this story is pretty damn romantic. ” – ahhh thank you so much, bella!! I find this a very romantic story as well <3

  2. Nuuuuu 😭😭😭

    It’s fine everything’s fine Everything. Is. Fine. I kinda saw how the trajectory was leading to him getting hurt. Even more so if he felt that losing Rin like this was consigning her to death. That one he needs time to come to terms with what do

    Meanwhile let me just lie down here and cry into my pillows _(:c」∠)_

    1. “Meanwhile let me just lie down here and cry into my pillows _(:c」∠)_” – awww I’m so sorry, friend! *hugs*

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the scene!! <3

  3. Fuck everything hurts right now!
    I can totally see where Seshoumaru is coming from, he doesn’t want to lose Rin to time D:
    Kagome just keeps royally fucking it up

  4. Love that Sesshomaru couldn’t even think to have a chat with Rin about the possibility of extending her lifespan by introducing her to someone she may like / end up liking. If he never had the conversation with her, how does he know how it would’ve play out? Maybe if he had laid out all of her options to her and had an actual conversation, things would’ve panned out differently. But, he didn’t. And Kagome decided to step in and help guide Rin in the capacity that she was able to. It’s not like she was trying to condem her LMAO This dog is madddd

    Big L for both of them because Kagome was about to speak with Inuyasha, which Sesshomaru should know since he was eavesdropping on them, apparently!

    Speaking of eavesdropping, I bet Inuyasha heard the whole damn thing. 👀

    Will next chapter be some type of timeskip, panning out to Kagome and Shin making their own way forwards in modern or fuedal times 👀👀 Just hypothesizing hehehe

    Love love love these past few chapters, Char! They’ve got me in a chokehold!

    1. Good points!

      Opinion/analysis: Sesshoumaru’s pride is his primary downfall here. He can’t bring himself to articulate his hopes and desires to others because that means relinquishing the façade of being in total control. His pride won’t allow him to engage with others forthrightly. Because asking isn’t dictating. He’s used to strategically manipulating situations that cross into his own reality in order to achieve what he wants–because he can then view himself as the master of his own destiny rather than a pawn in someone else’s machinations.

      1. Hard agree! He would rather be the puppet master, pulling all of the strings so circumstances stay in his favor. He wants to be in control at all times, which I think is why when he whisked Kagome & Shin away, they went to a place it seems like no one else could reach / no entity there would be an unknown factor in what he had planned.

        Speaking to the story as a whole and his need to orchestrate complicated plans, he LITERALLY came up with this whole rigmarole to GET KAGOME TO BE HIS. And, when she didn’t immediately leave her husband, as I feel like he had planned she would, things just started spiraling for him. More than likely this is why the whole Rin running off and getting married matter is driving him extra bonkers.

    2. “Maybe if he had laid out all of her options to her and had an actual conversation, things would’ve panned out differently. But, he didn’t. ” – so sad but so true…

  5. Well, that sure was dramatic of Sesshoumaru, casting blame on Kagome when he’s worse than she was for getting involved with his half brother’s wife! He’s a spoiled whiney man who’s always gotten his way! Kagome needs to forget this sucking up to him and give him the cold shoulder, but Inuyasha is a case. I am not sure what’s up with Sango but if that woman gets wind that Shin is Sesshoumaru’s son then it’s over because she’ll take Inuyasha to support her family. Kagome maybe knocked up again and if she is that will cool Sesshoumaru off but who knows he’s a jealous control freak. Love the update…never felt sorry for Sesshoumaru in the least!

    1. “Well, that sure was dramatic of Sesshoumaru, casting blame on Kagome when he’s worse than she was for getting involved with his half brother’s wife! ” – a valid point! It’s definitely a bit rich of him, considering the whole situation…

      So glad you loved the update, Redwolf! Thanks for sharing your take <3

  6. That was a wonderfully tense and evocative chapter!

    While I can appreciate the feeling of grief and anger Sesshoumaru is going through as it pertains to Rin, I thinks he’s doing an awful lot of scapegoating and projecting where Kagome is concerned. Did she ‘meddle’ in Rin’s affairs? Yes, but only in the most casual way of nudging encouragement.

    Sesshoumaru, though, engages in far more manipulation then anyone else here and then absolutely loses his shit because he trusts Kagome so little and believes he has been duped by another’s manipulations. 😔

    And now Kagome has the imminent fallout with Inuyasha to deal with on top of what just transpired.

    1. “Sesshoumaru, though, engages in far more manipulation then anyone else here and then absolutely loses his shit because he trusts Kagome so little and believes he has been duped by another’s manipulations. 😔” – love this insight!!

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the scene! So glad you enjoyed the drama!! <3

  7. Reading through this whole chapter like this 🫢

    There’s definitely lots to unpack here (and lots of hurt feelings). The issue with Rin’s immortality was something he should’ve talked about with Rin himself. Eloping young is one thing, but I hope Sess realizes that Kagome’s encouragement might have saved him from a BIG blunder where his relationship with his daughter is concerned. Forever after too😭

    Beyond that it’s just an emotional roller-coaster and I’m strapping in for the ride.

    1. When you think about it Kagome sacrificed life in her era to save Rin and she ended up saving Sess and Rin from a lifetime of regret too. She took big hits for both their sakes 🥲

    2. “There’s definitely lots to unpack here (and lots of hurt feelings)” – ab-so-lutely! It’s kind of a mess all around lol

      “The issue with Rin’s immortality was something he should’ve talked about with Rin himself. ” – agreed – it’s always better to be honest & upfront, even if it’s hard…

      Thanks so much for sharing your take, oskorreia! Hope you enjoy where the ride goes from here…!! <3

  8. Sess chose to think the worst of her – using Rin to get back at him – over the possibility that she might not care about him at all. Wh-… where is my metal coathanger?? He was going way too far with that.

    1. I initially thought Kagome was reckless for pushing Rin to elope but Sess’s reason is no better. Now it’s lucky for Rin that she did 😭 Granted, it still meant that Sess’s toes were stepped on but this could have been avoided had they ALL simply communicated better 🫠 And this is the SEPARATE thing beside the thing with Inuyasha

      HOOOO MY BLOOD PRESSURE. It’s reminding me of my Kdramas. But then again all my favorite Kdrama arguments happened in the rain too. I see a silver lining behind the clouds!

      1. “Wh-… where is my metal coathanger?? He was going way too far with that.” – LMAO – yeahhh he could use a whuppin for that one XD

        “It’s reminding me of my Kdramas. But then again all my favorite Kdrama arguments happened in the rain too.” – hahahah yeah I couldn’t resist! (I love my Kdramas too XD)

        Thanks so much for sharing, Inupapa! Hope you enjoy how things go down….! <3

  9. Once Sess cools off I hope he realises what a big oopsie he just made. It’d be great if he could talk through his feelings with someone but I doubt he has any friends except Jakken and three old men (Myouga, Toutousai, and Bokuseno)

    _| \_

    1. “It’d be great if he could talk through his feelings with someone but I doubt he has any friends except Jakken and three old men (Myouga, Toutousai, and Bokuseno)” – lol sad but true…his male confidants leave a lot to be desired XD

      Thanks for sharing, hanayome!! <3

  10. Aw, well, now we know why Sess opposed the match and it’s…. errrr…. not that great. Knowing Rin, she might’ve just went with whoever he chose so like some readers up here said, they both could wind up regretting it. It would’ve been more reasonable if it was a matter of age 🥲

    Still I understand why he’d doubt Kagome’s regard for him about this, but ironically he sabotaged his own chance to find out when he interrupted Kagome and Inuyasha😅 It’s a messsss. They should’ve tackled one thing at a time.

    1. “Still I understand why he’d doubt Kagome’s regard for him about this, but ironically he sabotaged his own chance to find out when he interrupted Kagome and Inuyasha😅 It’s a messsss. ” – yupppppp XD

      Thanks so much for sharing, Kova! Hope you enjoy the next chapter…! <3

  11. Wow. Seems like Sesshomaru decided to abandon his family. Wonder what he told Shin.

    I hope that regardless of what happened to Kagome now, she still decides to go through with telling Inuyasha the truth. It’s what she needs to do to start fixing things and heading towards the truth. Even if she doesn’t have Inuyasha or Sesshomaru, Kagome is strong she has her kid and can survive.

    1. 🫢wow I did not expect this, is he really going to abandon his family? Bad dogs!(except Shin, he’s a good boy) but inuyasha and Sesshoumaru need to go to their respective corners. And kagome needs to be honest with everyone one, and go back to the modern era, spend some time with her biological family. Maybe get some good ole therapy while she’s there, lord!😮‍💨

    2. “Wonder what he told Shin.” – 😉 indeed!

      As the saying goes, the truth will set you free…

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on all the drama, Kathy! Hope you enjoy the next chapter!! <3

  12. Both of them dogs are the needy types so I’m confident Sesshoumaru will come back before long.

    If he doesn’t then I’ll gladly take his place (and his baby) 🌝

    1. Hahahaha Kagome’s a hot commodity 😉

      Thanks for sharing & hope you enjoy the next chapter!! <3

  13. 😭😭😭

    im parking my butt in the magical snow castle scenes forever

    no thoughts head empty every thing is o kay

    1. “im parking my butt in the magical snow castle scenes forever” – ahahah yeahhh i feel ya!! <3 <3

  14. CHAR what does this mean CHAR ‼️ CHAR ‼️ 😫 bc at this point im crying to Sesshomaru has left the scene and im nervous inuyasha heard over the conversation did he I mean after that sit and she storm off chasing Sesshomaru inuyasha would follow right ?😟🤯 the tension in this chapter

    1. “CHAR what does this mean CHAR ‼️ CHAR ‼️ ” – Ahhh I know, I’m sorry!! ;___;

      Promise I won’t leave ya hanging too long, Nooch! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts & reactions!! <3

  15. – chest cLUtCH – hngggnngngng SOB 😖💔💔

    I really hope he didn’t abandon his family….. I think a lot of Kagome’s problems stem from the fact that she tries too hard to protect everyone around her and it ends up being more than she can handle 😢 I mean she did what she thought what’s best for Rin, and even though it’s pointless she’s still trying to soften the blow for Inuyasha. Uwaa 😭

    I love this story so much btw. I live and breathe for the updates every week 💕

    1. “I think a lot of Kagome’s problems stem from the fact that she tries too hard to protect everyone around her and it ends up being more than she can handle 😢” – ahh I love this! Kagome’s good-hearted but so headstrong… ;_;

      So glad you’re enjoying the story so much, sesshousimp!! Hope you enjoy the next update…! <3

  16. I also wonder whether she’s been purifying herself after their liaisons in the mountains or if it didn’t occur to her. Could Kagome be knocked up again and then come to the conclusion that she has to break it to Inuyasha by herself and without a support system? He knows there would be no possible way it would be his child. And then Sess, who we would hope would calm down and come to his senses, but I figure his pride will control him for some time.

    1. “I also wonder whether she’s been purifying herself after their liaisons in the mountains or if it didn’t occur to her.” – she was certainly swept up in the moment….!

      Thanks so much for sharing, Tsuyoku! Hope you enjoy where the story goes from here <3

  17. Inuyoukai husbands are really lacking these days. Kagome should either date a fox, an oni prince or a water god.

    Not that I don’t feel for him. It’s a parent’s worst fear to have their children die before them 😔

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