SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 127

This entry is part 127 of 183 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Shin spent the rest of the afternoon zipping about the demonic countryside, phasing between forms so much that it threatened to give Kagome whiplash. Now and then, Sesshoumaru would share some anecdote of Shin’s with her that Kagome highly suspected had been paraphrased, or at least much had been lost in translation from beast-lingo to human speech. But since she really had no choice but to take his word at face value, she did.

It made her happy, to see her baby so happy. Despite what Sesshoumaru had said to her, Kagome couldn’t help but feel that it was just as vital for Shin to experience the youkai world as the human. Or at least, for him to have the freedom to explore his demonic side to the fullest. 

She thought of Inuyasha, who’d been shunned from youkai society and deprived of his demonic heritage. Though Kagome herself was too ignorant to know the full ramifications, she had the sense that it had stunted him in some ways. But then, maybe being half-demon was bewildering and isolating in itself. Being human, Kagome could only speculate. All she knew for certain was that she wanted her son to be spared as much pain and confusion as possible.

She could see that Sesshoumaru wanted the same. Shielding her eyes against the sun’s sullen wintry glare, she watched as Sesshoumaru soared low through the sky in his massive beastly form. He was flying in slow circles, while Shin tracked him close on the ground, keeping pace with his long trailing shadow. 

Every now and then Sesshoumaru would toss his head, and curling wisps of snowy youki would fall from his thick ruff like cast-off fur. These cloudlike wisps drifted toward the ground, hovering in the air like shimmering downy stair-steps. Shin would yip and spring up onto them with his own mustered youki, but then the wisps would disperse. Without their support to bolster him, he’d glide back down to earth, and land tumbling into the snow. 

Kagome realized Sesshoumaru was pushing Shin to fly, even though he wasn’t ready yet. It had worried her, at first. But after several rounds of watching her son rebound with gusto from his failed flight attempts, she let it go. Now Kagome couldn’t help but laugh as her son burst from the thick snowmound he’d just plummeted into. Growling, he shook himself off and sprinted after Sesshoumaru’s shadow again.

As the sun began to set, Sesshoumaru landed lightly beside her, two-legged once more. Kagome smiled up at him.

“Maybe you can take me along sometime. Looks like fun.”

Sesshoumaru’s eyes glinted. “We’ll have fun yet, you and I. But for now we should get going.”

Kagome blushed. Shin bounded up to them, transforming into a mini-Sesshoumaru as he did. The resemblance was more than striking—it was uncanny. 

Kagome could only stare as Shin shimmied up Sesshoumaru, precocious as ever. His prehensile fur lashed around Sesshoumaru’s neck. For a moment Shin hung there, upside-down like a golden-eyed monkey—then, abruptly, he crashed head-first to the snow.

“Oh my god!” Kagome cried, falling to her knees beside him. Her demonic son was lying there rigid as a board—glassy-eyed and stiff like he’d been taxidermied on the spot. Her eyes flew in a panic to Sesshoumaru’s. “What’s happened to him?

“He’s exhausted his youki,” the demon lord said, kneeling to pick up the petrified baby demon by his crunchy, frozen fur. “It’s not uncommon for one so young. He’ll recover soon. And he will learn.”

With that, a youki cloud materialized beneath the three of them, as they returned together to the demonic waycastle on the ridge.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 6/6/24

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33 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 127

  1. Oh my gOSH. OH MY GOSH??!??!!? Char you keep outdoing yourself I swear!

    “These cloudlike wisps drifted toward the ground, hovering in the air like shimmering downy stair-steps. Shin would yip and spring up onto them with his own mustered youki, but then the wisps would disperse. Without their support to bolster him, he’d glide back down to earth, and land tumbling into the snow.”


    Sesshoumaru’s eyes glinted. “We’ll have fun yet, you and I. But for now we should get going.”

    >:) can’t wait


    And I love you for writing something that brings so many of us joy. Thank you <3333

    1. Ahh thank you so much, bella!! So glad you enjoyed the imagery (and the innuendo 😉 ) in this scene! A huge part of the fun of this story has been writing my own version of baby SessKag – so it’s so awesome to hear how much you’ve enjoyed Shin’s portrayal!

      Thanks so much for the kind words and sharing your reactions! Hope you enjoy the next part <3

  2. As much as I like this closeness, I have to wonder about what Inuyasha is doing? Is he really that dumb about Shin?

  3. I’m happy they can have this happiness together. I think sesshoumaru’s parenting style really compliments Kagome’s. It also helps her mellow out a lot, and it’s so cool how you show that here. He knows what to expect, and his non-reaction sort of cues her on when to actually panic.

    I think honestly them living together would be amazing for her mental state, as well as for Shin.

    1. ” I think sesshoumaru’s parenting style really compliments Kagome’s.” – ahh thanks so much!! A huge reason why I love this pairing so much is because I believe Sess & Kags complement each other wonderfully 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jorogumo!! Hope you enjoy the next chapter <3

  4. Hahaha exactly what one’d expect when baby’s been running around and shapeshifting so aggressively. He conked out right as I was thinking, “Damn this kid’s an energizer bunny”🤣 Lucky for Shin though, he’s got a backup store of reiki!! (Unless ofc that comes from the same core and it turns out both types of energies are depleted)

    1. Hahaha it’s so funny how little kids will be going a thousand miles a minute and then just pass out cold XD Couldn’t resist working that into this story, so love hearing that you found this amusing too!

      Thanks so much friend!! <3

  5. I love how comfortable Shin is with Sess. I sense a budding hero worship there. How great would it be once he grows up and learns that his parents are living legends? 🤭

    1. Very true!! Sess & Kags are both heroes of renown!

      Thanks for sharing, hanayome! Hope you enjoy where the story goes from here! <3

      1. I love this family relationship. However, I feel like Kagome has done a 180 with her attitude and the fact that she cheated on Inuyasha. I still feel like that has to be talked about.

        But she’s all flirty and living the nice life.
        I do love Shin and his relationship with his dad.

  6. AAAaaaa Sess is teaching his tiny pup how to fly, that’s so unbearably adorable 😭 I can just imagine the picture they make to an outsider’s pov, and it’s magical – two pure white inuyoukai bounding a circuit through the snowy skies, while a mysterious blue eyed yuki-onna watches on. THEY’RE A PERFECT FAMILY IMO 💖

    1. “AAAaaaa Sess is teaching his tiny pup how to fly, that’s so unbearably adorable 😭 ” – ahh thank you, oskorreia!! I couldn’t resist! It just seemed so much like something Sess would do <3

      So glad you enjoyed the scene!!

    2. This moment is too warm and fuzzy for my heart. I love seeing them as a family soo much. Another great chapter once again Char!


  7. Lmfao sesshomaru unphased by petrified baby hanyo 😂😂😂😂

    Another beautiful chapter.

  8. This is going to do wonders for her resolve I’m sure, seeing the need for this closeness between father and son, she’s had little glimpses before but this is different.

  9. Haha so cute how baby demons fall into a state of torpor like that. Shin has so much personality & he can’t even talk yet.

    For a new dad, Sess is also really good with him. He’s so patient that I think he’s even better at it than Touga? ? At least, that’s the vibes he’s giving me. Certainly I don’t think Touga could be half as tolerant as Sess has been (as a warlord) with the love drama situation at hand. Sess has indeed surpassed his father by a long way. 😁

    1. “For a new dad, Sess is also really good with him. He’s so patient” – aww love this, thank you!!

      Love hearing your thoughts on Sess and his dad! Hope you enjoy the next scene, friend <3

  10. eheheheee look at Daddy Sess! When you think of the times he lets Rin run around in flower fields and screech her little heart out, it makes sense that he’d be good with hyperactive children 🤣

    I eagerly await for Shin to evolve like a pokemon. I have a feeling that his 4th form will be a manifestation of reiki. I mean, reiki sorcerers have summoned spiritual beasts before so I think it’s possible! I think!

    1. “I eagerly await for Shin to evolve like a pokemon“ – XD love this!

      And I couldn’t agree more about Sess’s parenting style! He has that calm, patient dad energy to me 😊

      Thanks for sharing, Kova!! 💕

  11. Sess has his faults, but I also think he should get a trophy for Best Partner Award. Kagome is so lucky that it’s him. I can’t imagine anyone else who could be there for her as perfectly during her worst meltdowns. Sess helped her hid EVIDENCE, brought her a magic CHICKEN, hunted for her, protected her, brought her to a magic castle, and now teaches their baby. He’sonehellofabutler He’s absolutely killing this. A+

    1. “Sess has his faults, but I also think he should get a trophy for Best Partner Award.” – haha well said, all the way! 🙂

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts & hope you enjoy the rest of the story!! <3

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