SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 109 (Explicit)

This entry is part 109 of 185 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

She couldn’t stop. She couldn’t help herself. Maybe it was her own deranged perception of events, but it seemed he couldn’t either. Neither of them could help themselves anymore. All sense of sanity and restraint were gone. Lost to the blaze of his frustration, to the flung floodgates of her anguish that wouldn’t shut to stem the incorrigible tide.

They fucked everywhere, anywhere, all the time. They fucked like animals, like frenzied beasts. Kagome knew she was being reckless, outright stupid even. But she didn’t care, and Sesshoumaru didn’t either. Maybe he never had.

All she knew was that she couldn’t find the space to breathe unless she was choked around his cock. The only thing that could ease the gnawing ache within her was being reamed out so hard and deep by him that it slammed all sensation of dread from her mind. She craved that blissful lightness like she craved the scrape of his fangs and claws over her teeming skin. Like she craved the dark fire that ignited white-hot in her blood when he was on the ragged edge of coming undone inside her.

He always found her without fail. Whether she was outside or in her home made no difference to him, so long as she was alone. Shin didn’t count as a separate entity in his view. Sesshoumaru either cast him into subdued slumber with his fur if he was human, or warded him away by some unspoken inuyoukai cue when he was not. Despite this, Kagome found herself contriving to have Rin or another one of the village women watch him anyway. She wasn’t sure whether this made her feel less terrible about her assignations or not.

She was out of control, and she knew it. Maybe what bewildered her more than anything was her indifference toward this very clear and obvious fact.

What rationalized it in her fevered addict’s mind was the illusory calm she felt in the aftermath. Just when she’d been at the point of clawing her eyes out in hysterical distress, she felt that after being with Sesshoumaru she could bear up under her circumstances a bit better. At least for a little while.

Inuyasha was rarely home since Miroku’s death. This both tormented her and relieved her, to the point where she couldn’t make heads or tails of what she felt. When he was gone, she agonized over his absence. When he was home, they fought so viciously she couldn’t wait for him to leave again. 

She felt stuck in a rut in every sense. More stuck than she had ever felt, and more powerless than she had ever felt to escape it.

Sesshoumaru rose wild-eyed from the damp splay of her legs. His silver hair was tousled like some savage wind had torn through it. His fey handsome face glistened with the gratuitous overflow of her lust for him, and his for her. He drew up over her, looming. She shivered in his shadow.

“Show me what you want,” he said.

Panting, Kagome angled up her hips to show him the quivering sliver into her being where she needed him most. Under his searing stare, she slid her hands to the fringes of her sex. She spread herself open even further to show him how she yearned for him with each wet rosy gasp, how she was suffocating without him.

He smirked down at her—a flash of fang so bright and quick she almost didn’t see it. He smacked a hand to her open sex, and she yelped and stiffened like she’d been shot. Lying here in her marriage bed, she felt the sting of that slap so keenly it brought tears to her eyes.

“I can’t take this anymore,” she whimpered.

But when he leveled the tapered head of his cock against her, she found herself taking it anyway. And when in the unhinged throes of her ecstasy, she begged him to come on her breasts, he seemed to find himself taking it, too. He emptied onto her chest with an expression that mirrored to Kagome the sour twist in her guts. 

After he left, she swirled her fingertips deliriously through the glaze that mingled with the milk she fed her son. She felt every bit the depraved, filthy whore that she was.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 12/19/23

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14 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 109 (Explicit)

  1. I really wanna know what’s going on in Sesshōmaru’s mind. Does he love her? His son? Is it just lust? Kagome had shamed herself into oblivion so hard that I don’t trust what she thinks… or, rather, what she THINKS that she thinks. Lol. But he’s been realistic through all of this. He knows that she wants the sex at the very least. But is there emotion beneath this for either of them? Emotion other than lust?

    1. It was my understanding from the previous chapters that he did love her. I think she loves him too, but she IS married.
      Wonder where all of this will end

  2. Kagome has twisted herself all up with no way out, oh darling… just let go of what was there before it’s not working. Sesshomaru, for all his faults, says he loves you and shows a lot of patience with your stubbornness. Two hot headed people don’t make for a harmonious relationship.

    1. Haha it’s true….complementary personalities tend to mesh better 😉

      Thanks for sharing, M-Yan! <3

  3. xD At this point i wish kagome would take one of those microphones from the earlier seasons, pack up all her stuff and Shin and go stand at the highest point in the village and just shout about what she did and how big of a hoe she turned out to be and make sure inuyasha is there when she does it and just leave the village (and let sesshoumaru beat inuyasha up if he tries to kill kagome or hurt her)… im pretty sure sesshoumaru will be lurking around when she makes big announcement and end this insanity. at least everyone will know and she wont have to hide no more and will no longer be in the village to hear the gossip…. and just let sesshoumaru whisk her away to his palace so they can stop screwing in secret. or better yet take him to the future if the well works… lol

    1. Hahaha Kagome with that microphone is a hilarious image XD

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the story, Kim – hope you enjoy how things progress from here! <3

  4. Hmm…seems like grief has really pushed her and Inuyasha over the edge. This reckless numbing behavior seems to be her way of coping with her guilt and grief. I have to applaud how well you write mental breakdowns; it is very believable, carrying all this guilt, anyone would crack at some point.

    Until the next chapter 🩵

    1. Thank you, Maya! It’s difficult subject matter to tackle for sure, but it’s great to hear that you find it a believable depiction 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Kagome & Inuyasha’s behavior – hope you enjoy the next update! <3

  5. Why do I have the feeling she’s going to end up pregnant 🤔 They’re going at it like bunnies in spring. Inuyasha is MIA most of the time, and their bedroom is colder than glacial runoff.

    1. That’s the first thing I thought too Mary. She’s going o get pregnant and since her sexual relationship with her husband is non-existent at this point, how is she going to explain that away? Great chapter once again char, and can’t wait for the next one.

      1. Thank you, Sasha – so glad you enjoyed the update!! Love hearing your thoughts on the present developments, and hope you enjoy where things go from here <3

    2. XD there is definitely a lot of hold and cold going on here!

      Thanks for sharing, Mary! Hope you enjoy the next update!! <3

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