SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 92

This entry is part 92 of 183 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

The question of how Shin had killed the snake continued to preoccupy Kagome. Though he seemed exceptionally capable for his age, as far as she could tell, he possessed neither the coordination to remove himself from the crib nor the fangs necessary to perform the bloody task.

Kagome wasn’t the only one preoccupied by this conundrum. More than once over the next few days, she caught Inuyasha not-so-surreptitiously checking Shin’s toothless gums for fangs. But it was a while yet before they glimpsed just what had mauled that snake.

For a while now Kagome had been leaning on Inuyasha to assemble the brand new boxed crib her mother had sent from the Modern Era—like he’d said that he would. Shin was fast outgrowing the little bassinet Sango had leant them. With much grumbling and swearing and puzzling over the illustrated instructions, Inuyasha finally put the new crib together. It was so large it took up what seemed like half the floorspace of the hut, but Shin wallowed around in his new bed so happily that not even Inuyasha had it in him to complain.

Twitching a grin, he shook his head. “Heh, so easy to please.”

As he glanced to her, Kagome did her best not to read insult into it. Both exhausted in their own right, she and Inuyasha went to bed. Sometime in the night, Kagome stirred awake, feeling muddled and disappointed. She’d been dreaming of something pleasant for a change. Now the shining memory of it was slipping through her waking mind like water through a sieve.

It was a strange current that had stirred her, like an uncanny breeze. Glancing aside, she saw that Inuyasha must have sensed it too, because he was already rubbing his eyes as he sat up and squinted toward the crib.

“What the…”

Kagome followed after him as he stood and padded over. His golden eyes went wide, his jaw slack. Peering down into the crib, Kagome gasped—

Where her infant son should have been was a big white beast of a dog, curled on its side. The dog took up so much of the crib space that its dense ivory tail fur pushed through the slats. Pearly, youki-limned fangs protruded from its mouth, lending a snarling sound to its breaths. Its ears were velvety and pointed, like Inuyasha’s. A thick white ruff cloaked its neck and shoulders. The beast had a puppyish look, fearsome though it was. Its darkly-taloned hind foot flexed and relaxed, as if it were chasing something in its dreams.

At Kagome’s gasp, its almond eye slid open, revealing a blood-red sclera and dark sliver of pupil. The beast-dog rolled over, onto its back. Its clawed forepaws furled almost cutely to its chest. Kagome saw its face clearly then—the jagged crimson slashes high on its muzzle, and the crimson crescent on its brow.

The white dog yawned. Its furred bulk shivered. Kagome felt that uncanny, hair-raising stir again. When next she blinked, she saw her son peering groggily up at her from the crib instead—blue-eyed and black-haired and human once more.

As Shin drifted off, she turned to Inuyasha, who stood stock-still beside her. 


He made a noncommittal sound.


“Yeah,” he snapped, turning to her, “what?”

“W-what do you mean what? Shin, he—he can turn into a demon dog?!”

“Guess so.” Inuyasha cocked his head slightly. “That’d explain how he chewed up that serpent the other day.”

“Yeah,” Kagome said, hazarding him another glance. “But it’s strange, isn’t it? It seemed like he was fully demon, just now.”

“He was fully demon—that’s a youkai beast form he took.”

“But you don’t…I mean, you haven’t ever—”

“He’s different from me, obviously. I never expected him to be the same as me, especially when he was born human like he was. But he’s inuyoukai too,” her husband added with a touch of pride, “that’s a fact. Did you see that crescent on his forehead? It’s my old man’s blood-mark he’s inherited.” Inuyasha smirked. “Can’t wait to see the look on Sesshoumaru’s arrogant face when he sees that. He’s gonna shit a brick.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 8/22/23

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26 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 92

  1. Oh my God. 🤦‍♀️

    Please have Lady Mother show up to meet her grandson and ruin this whole charade 😂

    1. Bahahaha very good point
      Thanks Char for the new updates – always so happy to see them!

    2. 😂 that would be a trip…

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Uissuteffu!! Hope you enjoy the next part 🥰

  2. Bwahahaha! I’m dying here…Inuyasha is so vain and stupid! Kagome knows this and that’s why she’s so forthcoming about everything going on with Shin because Inuyasha is to ignorant to figure out that Sesshoumaru’s mother has the moon shape. Kagome is nuts wanting to be with someone so dumb! Thanks for the update!

    1. Haha glad you enjoyed it, Redwolf! Inuyasha certainly has some gaps in his understanding…

      Hope you enjoy the next chapter! 🥰

  3. 🤦‍♀️Inuyasha…. Oh geez… it is clear inuyasha hasn’t met Sess’s mother and clearly his father. Because…oh boy, the evidence is clear as day who the father is

  4. I know it’s wrong for me to say but IM GLADDD she ain’t got caught yet bc these last 10 chapters been having me on my toes I just wanna keep reading this story ‼️🗣️ and I can’t wait till she tell Sesshomaru bc I figure he already know since he said he was fully human and demon

    1. So thrilled you’ve been enjoying the suspense, Nooch!! These chapters have been some of my favorites to share 🥰 Many of these were scenes I envisioned a long time ago, so it’s been really cool to finally write them at last!

      Thanks for sharing and hope you enjoy the rest of the ride 💕

  5. Wow…. Inuyasha really. And that’s amazing love this story and I’m always excited to read a new chapter

      1. I’m the one shitting bricks here omg!! I can’t wait to see what Sess will say about it, but I have a feeling he already knows 😈

  6. Inuyasha, SIT BOY! Good grief. Does Shin have to flick him with his toxic green whip before he gets a clue. Thanks for all of the updated this week!

    1. Haha Shin just might have to XD

      Thanks so much, Siomarabelle – so glad you’ve been enjoying the updates!! 🥰

  7. Please tell me Sesshomaru is going to educate InuYasha on what their Father actually looked like!!! I love the long burn, but I’m ready for the DRAMA.

    InuYasha is a moron.

  8. Oh shit, I thought the secret was out for sure with this crescent moon. But if inuYasha doesn’t know it comes from Sesshomaru’s mother, than they get a reprieve.
    So, full demon, and full human, that’s quite a combination.
    I’m glad it kileld the snake though 😀

    1. Yeah Kagome’s off the hook for now XD

      Thanks for sharing & hope you enjoy where the story goes from here!! 💕

  9. 😒 So oblivious 😐….wish he would try a mock Sesshoumaru about those markings. Gonna mess around and find out 😏

  10. Me parece muy gracioso que Inuyasha realmente crea que su padre tenía la luna, aunque estos pequeños espacios y etapas de Shin me parece triste que se las pierda su verdadero padre, parece que Sesshomaru se perderá muchos momentos de su hijo.
    Imaginen que doloroso será para Inuyasha también cuando se entere que no es su hijo, realmente creo que ella está dañando a ambos hermanos.

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