SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 68 (Explicit)

This entry is part 68 of 183 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Inuyasha didn’t return home that day, or even that night. Exhausted with waiting up for him— exhausted with being angry waiting up for him—Kagome at last collapsed into a sleep so fitful even Taiyoutori’s egg (cocoa-flavored, that morning) couldn’t soothe her. There were dark circles under her eyes when she woke up the next day—to find herself still alone in her hut, of course. 

Kagome scowled into her reflection in the side mirror. Between her overactive libido and her mounting anxiety, she was twisted up in more knots than even her tousled hair was. After fixing herself a hasty, mediocre breakfast, she collapsed back into bed. Languishing there in her light sleeping robe, she felt her peaked nipples chafe and her clit sullenly throb. She wished she could masturbate at least, to relieve some of the awful tension, but so far, the logistics of that hadn’t panned out. Her belly was just too big now to reach around. 

As she was mulling over the possibility of humping her pillow like a horny dog, she felt a stirring against her senses that made her bolt upright and start smoothing frantically over her rumpled hair and robe. A few seconds later, Sesshoumaru was pushing the curtain aside in a perfectly normal, non-threatening way—though Kagome sat with her jaw set and her spine pin-straight, staring him down as if he were an encountered foe.

“You’re still in bed?” he said, his golden eyes flicking over her where she sat.

“Sure,” she said stiffly, “it’s early.”

“It’s midafternoon.”

“Oh.” Kagome’s stony expression cracked. “Well, I just felt like lying in a bit. In fact, I was having a good rest before you showed up.”

Sesshoumaru didn’t say anything to this pointed hint for him to leave her in peace. Somehow, the tension in Kagome’s spine ratched up another notch as he resumed his soundless approach. She wanted to scream at him to get out, but that would only make him think she was in distress—which she was, of course, but she couldn’t very well go broaching the subject of being pent-up with him, of all people.

“Um, listen,” she said, shifting uneasily when he ascended the tatami platform beside her. “It’s really not a good time. Not to overshare, but I’m having some pretty nasty womanly issues. Very messy and gross. Maybe you can come back later, like in a few days…”

This would have sent any other guy she knew running for the hills. But Sesshoumaru just knelt beside her and asked, “Where is Inuyasha?”

Kagome pursed her lips. Hell if I know, she wanted to retort.

But what she said instead was, “I’m not sure, exactly. He left yesterday.”

“When will he return?”

Kagome backed up against the wall, eyeing Sesshoumaru nervously, though he hadn’t moved a muscle toward her. “Um…any minute now, I’m sure.”

Sesshoumaru’s uncanny, unblinking stare snagged hers. “Any minute,” he said dryly, “though you have no inkling where he is.”

Kagome swallowed, racking her mind for some sort of plausible excuse. But to her relief, Sesshoumaru released her from her turmoil. Glancing to the sliver of afternoon sun gleaming through the crack in the curtain, he looked as though he was about as interested in the time of day as he was in continuing this line of interrogation.

Glancing back to her, he said with perfect dispassion, “Well, lay out your hand.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 5/3/23

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8 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 68 (Explicit)

  1. This Kagome is dense…. Sigh!!! You don’t need to tell the humanoid full blooded dog demon a thing about how your feeling … he can tell!! Trust me….

  2. I’ve had to come here and continuing reading this story because it’s taking too long on Dokuga. But now i feel like it’s not enough here either. Love the work

    1. Hey Kathy, thanks for visiting the site! 🙂 This is the place where I post all my writing first, then revise, compile and cross-post to Dokuga and the other sites as I have the time.

      So glad you’re enjoying the story! <3

  3. Oh, I bet he isn’t as calm as he seems. “Womanly issues” indeed. Giiiirrrrlll, let’s not forget you’ve already asked, “what else can you sense” and he told you fear and desire” (it’s been a while, paraphrasing lol). Ya think that all of a sudden that has stopped being the case? HAHAHAHA something is gonna hhaaapppen and I’m going to eat it up like a cat with cream.

    1. Hahaha thank you, W!! Love the callback to what he said to her before 😉

      Appreciate you sharing your thoughts & hope you enjoy the next update!! <3

  4. The story on Dokuga brought me here, and I’m so glad!!!! Things I love:
    – Kagome’s mixed feelings about her Dad and his wanderlust (like father, like daughter)…
    – Sess’s description of Kagome and Inuyasha’s relationship (“you poisoned each other”). That’s a whole bag of interesting-ness.

    I went through all these chapters thinking “poor Sesshomaru” BUT he seems to have enough self-awareness and awareness about how Kagome ticks to maybe weather the storm…Hopefully their turn won’t go as toxic.

    I’m working on my strong dislike of Kagome, and I’m actively trying to think of her as “broken Kagome” or maybe “immature Kagome”. Yeah, that’s better. Her actions and reasoning are (sadly) not uncommon for modern adolescents compared to those of a similar age from the feudal time and background. I’m loving the tension in my feelings about her in this story, but overall hoping she gets it together soon because who doesn’t need all this crap is the kiddo.

    Hope you are well and thank you for sharing your talent! ❤

    1. Thanks so much for sharing, Tenshi! So glad you’re enjoying the content on my blog site! 😊

      Love hearing your thoughts on the story thus far and those two points that stood out to you! More to come on Kagome’s relationship with her father, and just what happened to ‘poison’ her marriage, as Sesshoumaru puts it… 😉

      Appreciate you sharing how your feelings toward certain characters have changed over the course of the story 🙂 There’s many different and arguable cases to be made for who deserves sympathy and who doesn’t in this situation. Maybe even none or all of them do. I go back and forth a lot on this myself lol Anyway, always interesting to hear what others think!

      Thanks for the well wishes! Hope you are doing great yourself <3

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