SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 57

This entry is part 57 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome whispered, her voice hoarse with relief. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck, buried her face in his silken collar. Tears squeezed from the seams of her shut eyes. When she opened them again, she thought that the blizzard had stopped and night had fallen. But as she adjusted to the dimness and the quiet, she realized they were just inside a cave instead.

Through a fissure in the rock, she could see the snow outside still swirling fit to blind. Sesshoumaru set her down on the cold stone floor. Crouched beside her, he seemed to be inspecting her torn leg. When he daubed at it with his fur, she hissed in a breath.

“The bleeding,” she asked him tersely, “has it slowed?”

“Not much.” His reflective eyes flicked to hers. “I’m going to bind it.”

Before Kagome could say anything, he seized hold of the hem of her kimono and ripped off a broad swathe. As she gasped, he ripped off another. More tightly than she would’ve liked, he bound up her bleeding calf.

Wincing, she sat up against the wall of the cave. “…Thank you.”

Still holding her leg, Sesshoumaru said nothing. The ragged hem of her kimono fell about to her knee. His hand smoothed up and past it, parting her skirt open at the thigh as he grazed his fingers over the scrapes and bruises there.

Kagome swallowed dryly, squirming aside. “I’m fine, really. The calf wound was the worst of it.”

“So I see,” he said.

His touch lingered on her for a moment more before he drew his hand away. There was a rustle of silk as he rose and crossed to the entrance of the cave. Kagome studied him in profile as he peered out at the raging storm.

“How long do you think it’ll last?”

“An hour, ten.” Sesshoumaru tossed his head, narrowed his eyes. “I can’t sense a damn thing in this weather.”

“But you found me,” she said quietly, placing a hand to her belly and the steady glow within it. “Us.”

He turned partway toward her. His eyes gleamed, two discs of beaten gold. His face was aslant, cast in shadow.

“Yes,” he said. “I found you.”

Kagome heard the jostle of swords being lowered. The whisper of a sash sliding free, the tinny click of armor unfastening. As the heavy plates met the cave floor with a clang, she curled her fingers into her damp, gritty palms.

“We’ll be all right now. You don’t have to stay.”

“Once the snows stop,” he said curtly, flexing his claws with a bone-snapping crack, “every fiend within a league of here will scent your blood.”

Just like you did, Kagome thought warily. When she opened her mouth to tell him she could handle it, he cut her a look that said quite clearly to drop it.

Kagome pursed her lips. “Who’s angry now?”

“I’m not angry,” Sesshoumaru said, stepping toward her. “Merely frustrated.” Sitting down against the wall beside her, he pulled her into his lap and said, “You frustrate me. So much trouble could be avoided if you weren’t so headstrong in your ways.” When she tried to pry herself loose, he pressed the edge of his hand to her lips and said, “Drink.”

Sulkily, Kagome drank from the cup of his palm. She hadn’t realized how parched she was until the snowmelt hit her tongue.

“I can’t change who I am,” she said woundedly, once she was through.

Sesshoumaru exhaled, slightly rumbling. “Nor would I wish you to.”

The arm around her waist tightened a fraction. Beyond them, the storm winds faintly roared. After a while, he spoke again, low and rough as if in contrition.

“What I said to Inuyasha was the truth. But that isn’t why I said it.”

Haltingly, Kagome asked him, “Why?”

Against the shell of her ear, he answered, “You know why.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 3/7/23

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6 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 57

  1. Because he is the father! lol, That is exactly what I was thinking back when he said it. he has been around to protect his mate and first baby this entire time ( want to roll eyes and pull the 90s “DUH!” or “NO SHIT .. you think?” then follow that last one by “do you really?”) Wish this Kagome could learn about mating…but it is important to the story that she stays hard head. Still love your stories, always watching for the next to drop on here, and have always been a fan of doing art of your stuff.

    1. Yep gotta love Kagome’s stubborn ass XD

      Thanks so much for sharing, Celes! So glad you’re enjoying the updates! Happy reading & art-ing!! <3

  2. Kagome really thinks she can hide the paternity of her whole baby. Like girl! What if the baby is born with markings like Sesshoumaru? Caught! Oh the looming drama

    1. Yep some sort of fallout is looming for sure…

      Thanks for sharing, Blackberry!! Hope you enjoy how things continue to build from here <3

  3. Kagome is behaving more like a demon in this fic. How can she pretend to not know how Sesshoumaru feels about her and his child? Hopefully she will come clean and admit the truth to Inuyasha, so he can decide how and if he wants to be a part of his nephew’s life. If she doesn’t and the child is born with Sesshoumaru’s markings, all hell is going to break loose, and she could possibly lose them both.

    1. People close their eyes to things they don’t want to see, but for how long? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and hope you enjoy how things play out 🙂 <3

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