SessKag Series: Control, Part 150

This entry is part 150 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

“Ren-heichou,” Kagome greeted lowly, as he drew to a stop near the foot of her bed. “You’ve got some nerve shutting me up like this. Ikiryou, too—you’d better bring him here before I get really pissed-off at you.”

The samurai captain’s smile didn’t falter for a second. He was looking sharper and more lordly than ever in his new overcoat, and sporting a topaz ring that shone as light and keen as the glint in his eyes.

“Would that I could, my lady,” he replied in a tone of false remorse. “Unfortunately, that beast of yours has bitten through his bindings and dug himself free…or so I am told.”

“Well, good for him,” the miko said hotly. “In that case, I’ll just go and collect him myself.”

But as she started to rise, the silent guard stepped forward to bar the door behind them. Ren’s smile hardened and cooled.

“Now, now, my lady, you have only just awoken. Perhaps you should remain awhile yet, to regain your bearings.”

“My bearings have never been better.” Kagome glared. “But somehow I get the impression you aren’t asking.”

The samurai advanced a measured step. The soft silk edge of the bedding crumpled beneath the hard metal toe of his boot.

“No,” he said to her, “I’m afraid I am not.”

Through the long dark shadow he cast, Kagome peered up at him. “So,” she muttered, “this is how it’s going to be: you’re going to hold me hostage here—to what end though, I wonder?”

“Do you, now?” Ren’s bright glance seemed to cut right through her. He really did have fine eyes, the miko had to admit. “As I see it, you have no army with Kohaku-kun’s departure, no allies in Edo any longer with even your friend Miroku and his monks devoted to my cause—no recourse at all, except to rely upon the charity of a demon lord who seems to haunt you now and then at his leisure. So tell me, Kagome-sama, what is it that you wonder? I am prepared to give you ample time to revisit the question I put to you some weeks ago.”

“What question?” Kagome shot back. “You mean that shifty marriage proposal of yours? Last time I checked, ‘no’ still means no, you backstabbing prick.”

“As I said, perhaps you should take this time of solace to reconsider your position on the matter,” Ren said crisply. “Until then, I will leave you to it.”

With that, the samurai captain turned upon his heel. Behind him, the door barred shut from the outside. Drawing her knees up to her chest, Kagome fumed.

“Kagome-sama…” Kanako began nervously from her side.

“It’s alright,” the miko said tersely, staring hard at the silent, shadow-faced guard who resumed his vigil from the far corner of the room. “It seems like I have some thinking to do.”

At length, her glance slid aside, toward the small shuttered window that glowed red from the light of the setting sun. It was Kohaku’s words that returned to haunt her now, as she looked in vain for the very demon who’d mired her in this shameful situation to begin with.

Damn you, Sesshoumaru, Kagome brooded to herself.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

I fucking hate my job, but I love you all <3 thanks as always for putting up with me, and have a wonderful weekend!

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10 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 150

  1. It looks like Kagome is starting to accept some truths about herself. I wonder what her next move will be. Thanks for the update!

  2. Ah, so Ren intends to force the issue. I can’t decide how I would like this to go–every possibility seems tantalizing. 1. Kagome escapes on her own (perhaps playing on the superstitions of the guards), dunks on Sesshoumaru for being useless, and throws her escape in Ren’s smug face. Lives happily ever after with her dog I suppose. 2. Kagome cannot escape, agrees to Ren’s proposal (probably intending to renege), Sesshoumaru finds out and gets involved. 3. Sesshoumaru finds Kagome imprisoned, is actually helpful for once, and Ren gets to feel both of their combined wrath. 4. Some other possibility that only you could think of. Whatever it is, I desperately want to see jealous/possessive Sesshoumaru finally come out and claim his mate. I think deep down Kagome wants that too. But where are Kohaku and Hirokin in all of this? Perhaps they yet have a part to play in how this all unfolds.

    Sorry work sucks, Char. If it is consistently sucking, maybe you can speak with your boss or look for something better suited? Thank you for blessing us all with your writing despite such a hectic schedule. You’re a treasure <3!

    1. Thanks so much Alex *sobs* <3 I may have to consider making some sort of change if things don't improve at work. I've been with this company for some years now, and make my opinions known (lol) but we're a small team that's just been kind of overwhelmed lately :/ Been through some rough patches before, so I keep hoping things will smooth out, but the past few months sure have been a struggle...

      Anyway I so love you taking the time to lay out these scenarios!! As always your comments give me such motivation, and I hope I'll have some updates to share very soon <3

      Hope your week's getting off to a great start!!

  3. God, it’s so fascinating how against a demon Kagome has godlike powers but against humans she’s essentially as helpless as any normal woman would be— I’m fascinated to learn what she’ll come up with to get out of this one when she can’t rely on her spiritual powers but must instead draw upon her cunning. (And also, I can’t see Kagome simply using her weapons to harm another human, but who knows what the circumstances will call for!)
    And oh, Kanako. I’m sure she’s partially to blame for this one.

    1. “God, it’s so fascinating how against a demon Kagome has godlike powers but against humans she’s essentially as helpless as any normal woman would be” – I agree 100%! It’s an angle I love to explore in my stories when I get the chance <3

      Thanks so much for dropping a line, adlyb! Hope you're doing great and enjoying the summer season <3 <3 <3

  4. Oh sweet Jesus….

    That’s all i found myself saying while I was catching up. LOL

    The AMOUNT of updates since I was last obsessively checking my emails since “where’s Rin-chan?” back in June and the CONTENT of said updates……!!!! Char, Mistress of Angst and Torment, I bow down to thee. This ride….I don’t ever wanna get off it. You’re thst writter Soap Operas WISHED they had. I’ve been enjoying the comments lately as well. I like this community of Char fans. Their insights either mirror your own or have you somewhere in between shock and awe of their thoughts and musings of your characters. There’s a good batch here. Especially the comment back a few chapters ago that Kagome lost the ability to be vulnerable (‘Alex’ I think..)

    That being said allow me to say that I absolutely ADMIRE you. You have foiled the ever apparent threats to the human soul of today’s world and managed to stay creative. It’s your medicine. Your very own vaccine if you will. This pandemic has effected us all differently. I’m an artist myself and have found it difficult to create. If we don’t have an outlet for ourselves we end up being another written off statistic. You continue to inspire me and many sharing with us your gift. I thank you for that. I actually found your stories by chance on Dokuga browsing the Art section where someone created a piece based off your stories. An image of Kagome dressed in a kimono with a portion of her back bare but down to her skeletal body with her heart exposed. I think that was for Stasis. It was so raw and poetic. I told myself “DAMN, I gotta find this story!” Your storytelling never disappoints. It brings out the creativity in others. I want to pick up my sketchbook and doodle sometimes after reading your stories. I struggle still with real life at the moment. I am concocting my medicine for myself as well. Figuring out as the days go by 😊 We can’t please everyone but stay true to your vision. You will only take yourself to the next level of where you’re meant to be.

    Now that I finally found a spot wherethe comments are still open and I’m done fangirling (for now, lol)…

    Whew…what a living hell this woman is living. The moment when you believe there is a inch of reprieve for this tortured set of circumstances, it’s snatched away. I want so much for this to be the rude awakening she needed to get out of her fog and remember why she’s a badass in the first place! Watch the dynamo pooch come and save her!! Ikiryou that is 😏

    Shame she lost Miroku’s loyalty in the process. Although I do find it difficult to believe he is loyal to Ren either.

    And good god, that waif. Smh

    Cant believe how far behind I got AGAIN. Lol Real Life can take you away from your simple pleasures. That and not checking your email 😅

    1. Yay, Pebbs!!! So glad you’re all caught up, friend! <3

      "There’s a good batch here. " - OMG I couldn't agree more! I feel so blessed to have such wonderful folks commenting here - this blog really feels like my sanctuary 🙂 Appreciate y'all so much!! <3

      I really feel inadequate to express how much your support means to me :') these have been such trying times for us all, and I can absolutely relate to the struggle to be creative during this time. It has felt like an uphill battle, wading through all the chaos and negativity surrounding us in daily life. Art is a refuge, but it can be an elusive one, to be sure...

      " I actually found your stories by chance on Dokuga browsing the Art section where someone created a piece based off your stories. An image of Kagome dressed in a kimono with a portion of her back bare but down to her skeletal body with her heart exposed. I think that was for Stasis." - this is so awesome! I know exactly the artwork you're referring to: an absolutely wonderful piece by the very talented and lovely Lace! <3

      "We can’t please everyone but stay true to your vision." - so. much. this. A wonderful reminder that I find myself sharing with other artists as much as I can <3 We have to support each other in our creative endeavors and do our best to keep this in mind, always!!

      You've really spoiled me with all your kind words, Pebbs! And you raise such awesome points on the story thus far - hope you enjoy the rest, and take care!! Sending positive vibes your way <3

  5. I’m FINALLY catching up! I’ve been on a 3 week vacation and haven’t read anything. Back to work and back in hell I am 😅You posted on my birthday (Aug 12) and I loved it 🥲 Kagome can totally take on Ren. This guy’s ego is getting out of hand. She needs to spank this asshole.

    1. Happy Birthday, Blackberry!! – hope it was a great one and that you had a wonderful vacation <3 🙂

      And so glad you're caught up on the story!

      <3 <3 <3

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