SessKag Series: Control, Part 29

This entry is part 29 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

As Kagome climbed the shrine steps toward the graveyard, she felt her soul ascend. Kneeling before Inuyasha’s tomb, she closed her eyes and savored the transcendent love that lifted her heart. Perhaps the saving grace in uncovering Sesshoumaru’s betrayal was that it had redoubled her devotion to her husband. She could see now that she had been in danger of straying from her marriage vows. Had she let her concealment spell slip during her stay at Tatsumi castle, had Sesshoumaru come to her in lust that night instead of Mayuri…

Kagome shuddered. In her waywardness and ignorance, she would have let the Beast himself have free rein over her. She would have ended up dead at worst and desecrated at best. Hands steepled before her, she shook her head in despair at the thought.

To her credit, she had trusted her instincts. She had held on to a thread of caution—the sort of caution Inuyasha had tried so hard to instill in her—and had discovered the truth of things. She had resisted temptation and proven herself worthy of him. Inuyasha…though he had only been half human, he was the finest man she’d ever known. The finest man there was, in her convictions. A tender ache filled her heart as she remembered the warmth in his eyes, the gentle way he’d spoken to her as he’d held her in his arms.

A subtle shift in the air disturbed her.

Kagome’s spine stiffened as she raised her bowed head, knowing she was not alone. A tendril of anger wound through her at the disruption of her solitude. Sharply her eyes slanted toward the shrine where Kohaku stood, studying her beneath the dappled shade of a maple tree.

“Forgive me for intruding,” he said as he stepped toward her, the pattern of shadows breaking over his angled features. “I came to tell you that I’ve spoken with Sesshoumaru-sama. He was unable to offer any further guidance with regards to the Beast.”

A bit of the tension in Kagome’s shoulders eased. Confident as she was in her abilities, it was still reassuring to know that the purified detection charm had failed to trigger. Rising to her feet, she brushed the dirt and grass blades off her knees before turning fully to face him.

“I was thinking,” Kohaku resumed in a softer tone, seeming to have mistaken her silence and slack posture for disappointment, “of returning to the North soon, while the weather holds. Perhaps you could come with me, and we could retrace the routes together, in case there’s something I might have missed.”

Kagome’s lips thinned. She stood suddenly at a crossroads. Kohaku’s poorly-veiled attempt to get her alone with him aside, she sensed that it wasn’t wise to encourage his efforts. Who knows what he might uncover, if he continued to search for the Beast. At the risk of casting suspicion on herself, she decided that she had to put a stop to this—now.

“I should have told you earlier, Kohaku-kun,” she said, walking over to meet him. “But there’s no more need to hunt for the Beast. I’ve dealt with him. It’s over.”

Kohaku’s brow creased, his dark eyes narrowing. “Dealt with him.” As Kagome stopped, the taijiya advanced, glaring. “Alone?

Warily, Kagome held her ground. “Yes, alone,” she snapped. “He got sloppy, and I happened to find him out.”

A startled gasp escaped her as Kohaku seized her by the upper arms, his expression dark and fierce with anger.

“How could you do something so stupid?” he snarled into her face, the miko wincing as he dug his fingers deeper into her flesh. “Confronting a demon like that by yourself—have you gone mad? You saw what he did to those other women. You are lucky to be alive, you fool…”

Furiously, Kagome wrenched herself out of his grasp, her eyes flashing up at him. “I’m nothing like those ‘other women’!” she spat back at him in disgust. “And I’m certainly not a fool! Stop acting so tough, Kohaku. You’re still just a dumb kid as far as I’m concerned, so don’t you dare think you can talk down to me.” As Kohaku’s jaw clenched, she barreled on, “I don’t need your help—I never needed it. I never needed anything from you. And in case I didn’t make it clear the last time you put your hands on me, I don’t want anything from you, either.”

Panting, she held his searing black gaze. Rage twisted his normally handsome features, his gloved fist half-raised as if putting his hands on her again was exactly what he wanted to do. The tense seconds stretched on as they stared one another down in wordless challenge, before Kohaku turned abruptly on his heel and stormed away.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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11 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 29

  1. 😂…. I never thought I could ever hate kagome this muchhh but this fic is proving me wrong… Wow your an amazing writer your fanfics evoke so many different kind of emotions from me…. In one fic I love kago or sessh in another i hate them..or in another I pity them…
    Sorry 🙏 English is my 2nd language I can’t put into words what I want to convey & I read all your fics (sesshoXkag) but I rarely review because I’m not so good at it.. Forgive Me

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Anki!! So happy you enjoy the different ways I portray Kagome and Sess in my stories 🙂

      And weird as it may seem, I’m so glad to hear how hateable Kagome is coming off in this one hahaha

      Thanks again!! <3

  2. Words cannot describe my thirst for this story or my happiness when I see that it has updated. I don’t think I ever actively followed a story this way before lol

    I enjoy your other works, but I stop everything when a new chapter’s out.

  3. And one more thing I just realized. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the “Dexter” series but this fic reminds me of it at times, “Sesshomaru’s dark passenger” he can’t control and what not.

    1. YES – I watched a good bit of Dexter and can totally see the resemblance 🙂

      Always thought the ‘dark passenger’ concept from that series was so cool

  4. Hmmm, idk. Kagome seems to have become delusional about a few things and I think she may have inadvertently pushed a ‘dark side’ button in Kohaku by dismissing him the way she did. She knew he had a crush on her so she used his immaturity and inexperience to her advantage to distract him from knowing that she was deactivating his ‘Beast tracker’ thingy. That would understandably lead him into thinking that she desired him too, but as the supposedly more mature and older of the two, she should have known better than to not fire off those cold and heartless words, leaving him in an angry and hurt state-of-mind only for the confusion of feelings to fester into something dark.

    She seemingly has put Inuyasha on this pedestal of almost ‘sainthood’. Did she forget how toxic their relationship was in the beginning, his betrayal of her with Kikyou (ewww…fucking a walking dead corpse) and his juvenile stupidity? I know some of these assumptions are my own prejudiced thoughts gleaned from his generalized or generic portrayal from other author’s fictions. But his juvenile stupidity could be blamed on his being pinned to a tree in a comatose situation for fifty years, stunting his maturity and emotional growth. 😐

    I enjoyed reading this interesting chapter. Thanks for updating Char. 🙂

    1. That’s exactly how I feel! She idolizes inuyasha conveniently forgetting the verbal abuse and Kikyo. Some fine specimen of a man! Inyuasha is deceased. What vows are she holding onto anyway.

    2. Astute observations, Cheryl! 😉

      Yeah, you know, I never really considered that before – the fact that Inuyasha being in a coma for fifty years could have stunted his emotional growth. It makes a lot of sense. Rampant insecurity aside, he is VERY immature…although he does seem to grow somewhat over the course of the series. 🙂

      …Still, he’s certainly no saint hehe

      Thanks so much for sharing your take on this chapter! So glad you enjoyed it 🙂 <3

  5. So kohaku desire for kagome is awsome!!!! Love this kohaku i would love for them to have sex and she changing her view of him as a kid to a man…. o boy and weary of him she should be…. maybe he finding out about sesshomaru and she telling him that he could do anything to not fight him… sex happens

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